Fun Facts are trivia tidbits that are interesting, entertaining, and sometimes even true. Fun Facts are commonly introduced with a funny observation or phrase. The last couple of them were from Wrigley’s gum ads! They were later collected in a 1973 book and made their way into classrooms. The title, Fun Facts: The Truth Behind the Myths, made this segment an instant hit with children everywhere.
The best way to approach a person who has asked you to share fun facts with them is to ask them directly. Then, follow up by asking them if they want to know more. This can be awkward, but the conversation will be more successful if you prepare the facts beforehand. Fun Facts are an excellent way to bond with coworkers. If you have the time and energy, you might even find that this activity draws people closer together.
A full jumbo jet’s tank can fuel a car four times. Jumbo jets burn one gallon of fuel every second, while an average car’s fuel tank is only half as full. Adding to the fun factor, it’s a good idea to break up the topic into teams and favorite categories to play trivia games with your family and friends. Similarly, if you’re preparing for a trivia event, consider asking your guests to bring along fun facts to make the event more interesting.
Using a bucket list as a fun fact to introduce yourself is another great idea. Almost everyone has a list of top ten things they wish to accomplish before they die. These list items could be anything, from visiting Italy to learning a foreign language to watching a particular artist live. Whatever you think your top ten list items are, remember to include them when introducing yourself. It’s sure to spark some interesting conversation.
One island in the Bahamas is home to feral pigs. There’s no known reason why the pigs live there, but it’s likely that they came from a shipwreck or an abandoned ration of food. While most people think of a lobster’s tail as the entrance to its cave, lobster pees out of its face. The reason for this behavior is to attract a mate. Some animals even have a shockingly high number of teeth.
Fun Facts about Lady Gaga’s college life: The pop star attended NYU, where she created the “Shallow” music video. The film has over 375 million dollars in budget. This is far more expensive than the average big studio movie budget, which is about $60 million. You might want to know that E.T.’s original name was “Lunar Larry.” Also, Isaac Asimov is the only author to write a book in every Dewey-decimal category.